Seasons come and seasons go.
Time changes many things,
But not the joy and special cheer
Remembering someone bring ...

Every Time a Bell Rings an Angel Gets His Wings

The spirit of Christmas which is peace; The heart of Christmas
which is love.
May the true spirit of Christmas shine in your heart and light your path.
Peace on earth will come to stay, when we live Christmas every day.
May this season be full of light and laughter for you and your family.
Don't count the days, make the days count.
Christmas is not a date. It is a state of mind,
is a time when
everybody wants his past forgotten
and his present remembered.
It is tenderness for the past, courage for the present, hope for the future.
The good times and treasures of the
become the golden memories of tomorrow.
Creating happy hours for tomorrow and reliving those of yesterday,
not only of rejoicing, but of reflection.

Wishing you good friends, good times, good health,
good cheer, happiness
and prosperity throughout the New Year.
Embrace the current season of your life. Wishing you a season of gladness, a season of cheer
and to top it all of a wonderful year
and timeless treasures of Christmas. May the joy and beauty of this Christmas find peace in your heart, may your season be filled with love and every good things of life, may your family feel the love, peace,
and joy that come with the spirit of Christmas. Bring you divine favor, long life, good health,
prosperity, success and the peace.
Christmas doesn't come from a store.
The greatest gift of life is friendship.
Christmas is awesome. First of all, you got to spend time with people you love. Secondly, you can get drunk and no one can say anything. A Christmas miracle is when your family doesn’t get into a single argument all day. It’s that special time of year when your whole family gathers together in one place to look at their cellphones.
I love Christmas. I just watched all my money magically disappear. Got all my Christmas shopping done. Now to shop for other people.
I received a lot of wonderful presents I can’t wait to exchange. It's always consoling to know that today's Christmas gifts are tomorrow's garage sales. I bought my kids a set of batteries for Christmas with a note on it saying, "Toys not included". You buy this year’s gifts with next year’s money. Christmas is forever, not for just one day, for loving, sharing, giving, are not to put away like bells and lights and tinsel, in some box upon a shelf.
Christmas is a magical time of year… I wrapped my Christmas presents early this year, but I used the wrong paper. The paper I used said "Happy Birthday" on it. I didn’t want to waste it so I just wrote "Jesus" on it. Sending Christmas cards is a good way to let your friends know that you think they're worth the price of a stamp. You do all the work and the fat guy in the suit gets all the credit.
Santa Claus has the right idea — visit people only once a year. Let’s be naughty and save Santa the trip !
The spirit of Christmas warm your home and fill your heart with happiness. May you be blessed with a glorious Christmas and New Year. Jesus is the reason for the season. A holy day to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. He came to give us love, hope and joy. May the holiday season bring you special moments and happy memories. |