You are always a part of me. A part of me is always with you. A part of you is with me.
  You  and   I 
All for one and one for all.
United we stand, divided we fall.
A house divided against itself cannot stand.
We are only as strong as we are united and as weak as we are divided.
Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined,
and every city or household divided against itself will not stand. (Matthew, 12:25)

How  Can  You  "
SM_LE Without  "I"  ?
How  Can  You  Be  "
F_NE Without  "I"
How  Can  You  "
W_SH"  Without  "I"  ?
How  Can  You  Be  "
N_CE"  Without  "I"  ?
How  Can  You  Be  a  "FR_END"  Without  "I"  ?
So  "I"  Am  Very  Important  !
But  How  Can  I  Achieve  "
S_CCESS"  Without  "U"  ?
How  Can  I  "LA_GH"  Without  "U" ?
How Can I Drink A "C_P" of Tea or Coffee Without "U" ?
How  Can  I  Enjoy  The  "S_NSHINE"  Without 
"U" ?
How  Can  I  Have  "F_N"  Without 

That  Makes  "
U"  More  Important  Than  "I"  !
U  and  I  work  together  to  achieve  great  things ...

Coming together is a beginning;
Keeping together is progress;

Working together is success.


One chopstick is easily broken;
A bundle of chopsticks is hard to break.
Team  spirit  lead  to  winning;
Winning  generate  team  spirit.
Let us all unite and celebrate together

Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much.